Next Match
Player  Team Position  Home Matches  Away Matches  Total Matches  Won  Lost  Matches Won (%)  Games Won  Games Lost  Games Won (%)  Current Points
Josh Cowen D'arcy - 5 6 11 7 4 63.6 24 21 53.3 620
Ben Baruch - 5 4 9 4 5 44.4 19 17 52.8 600
John Galea - 1 2 3 0 3 0 2 9 18.2 593
Andrew Rostron Captain - 3 4 7 3 4 42.9 13 16 44.8 592
Mike Ainsworth - 2 5 7 4 3 57.1 16 11 59.3 591
Derek Williams - 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 3 0 578
Paul Holloway - 5 5 10 4 6 40 17 22 43.6 546
John Riddick - 3 2 5 0 5 0 5 15 25 500
Pat O'Regan - 4 1 5 0 5 0 3 15 16.7 495
Simon Van Der Veen - 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 0 487
Date Opponents Location Time Result
Thu 7 Sep 2023 Abingdon 4 Home Remove 7:15pm 7 - 15 Lost
Wed 13 Sep 2023 Carterton 2 Away Carterton Squash & Racketball Club 7:15pm 9 - 14 Lost
Thu 21 Sep 2023 Nuffield 2 Home Remove 7:15pm 16 - 6 Won
Wed 27 Sep 2023 Banbury Spiceball Away Banbury Spiceball 7:15pm 7 - 15 Lost
Thu 5 Oct 2023 Thame 2 Home Remove 7:15pm 6 - 17 Lost
Tue 10 Oct 2023 Wallingford Away Wallingford Squash Club 7:30pm 8 - 14 Lost
Tue 17 Oct 2023 - BYE ---
Thu 26 Oct 2023 Abingdon 4 Away Remove 7:15pm 10 - 15 Lost
Thu 2 Nov 2023 Carterton 2 Home Remove 7:15pm 9 - 15 Lost
Thu 9 Nov 2023 Nuffield 2 Away The Oxfordshire Health and Racquets Club 7:00pm 6 - 18 Lost
Thu 16 Nov 2023 Banbury Spiceball Home Remove 7:15pm 11 - 12 Lost
Thu 23 Nov 2023 Thame 2 Away Racquets Fitness Centre 7:30pm 9 - 15 Lost
Thu 30 Nov 2023 Wallingford Home Remove 7:15pm 8 - 18 Lost
Tue 5 Dec 2023 - BYE ---