Box Leagues
We know that it can be tough finding suitable opponents especially if you are new to the area or are keen to take up the game. Joining a Club is an obvious solution and a number of these, for example Abingdon Squash Club, run their own internal Box Leagues. However, we appreciate that the commitment of signing up for a Club isn’t ideal for everybody.
Abingdon Squash Club
Abingdon Squash Club runs Box Leagues, they also have a Squash Ladder (another vehicle for providing competitive squash). For further details contact [email protected]
Banbury West End
We have an active squash Box league for those that opt in. If you want to join, please contact Liam on 07824 694203. The Boxes renew monthly and new players are always welcome. Matches are the best of 5 games and with a point per rally, 11 per game.
For further details click here
Carterton Squash Club
If you are looking for some competitive squash in West Oxfordshire, please consider the Box Leagues at Carterton Squash Club. For further details, contact Simon Johnson [email protected]
We also have Ladies Box Leagues for those who want to play in between Club Mornings. For further details, please email Elaine Finnigan at [email protected]
Ferry Leisure Centre
Matches are mainly played at Ferry Leisure Centre but if the 2 players want to agree an alternative venue, that’s fine. You simply enter the result online. Normally, each League runs for 5-6 weeks with 5-6 players in each section. Club Memberships are not required and the Boxes are free to join!
To get more information, please email Steve Philcox – [email protected]
Henley Squash Club
In the south of the county, Henley Squash Club run internal Box Leagues. Simply click on the link and you will find all you need to know! The League Administrator is Duncan Nightingale – [email protected]
Hithercroft Squash Club
Based at Wallingford Sports Park, Hithercroft Squash Club run Box Leagues to help members to play games with others of a similar standard. For further details contact [email protected]
Racquets Fitness Centre
Racquets runs Box Leagues to encourage members and non-members to play matches with others of a similar standard.
For further details contact [email protected]
Windrush Leisure Centre, Witney
The Squash Box Leagues at The Windrush Leisure Centre, Witney provide a fantastic opportunity for you to connect with other players in the community and give you the chance to improve your game in a competitive format and win prizes!
There are currently 35 members in 5 seeded Boxes.
- Each box league runs for 6-8 weeks.
- You organise your matches when convenient for you.
- Matches are 40 mins long, best of 5 games.
- Players will be promoted or relegated each Box.
If you would like to join or discuss further please visit the squash board outside the squash courts at the leisure centre or please email [email protected]
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